Share Your Expertise

Share Your Knowledge and Make a Positive Impact

Our clients are investment professionals, strategy advisors, and business executives looking to gain diverse perspectives, insights, and knowledge on a particular topic, industry, or business challenge.

When our clients request our services, we conduct customized research to find experts like you who can provide the expertise our clients need to make informed decisions.

We invite only those who we believe are the most suitable, relevant, and qualified to advise our clients. If you have been contacted by a member of our team, it is because your background and experience seem relevant to one of our client’s projects.

Consulting engagements are at your discretion and on your schedule, and we ensure a seamless process by taking care of all the administrative and logistical work.

Types of Engagements

Phone Consultation

Share your knowledge and insights
during a one-on-one phone consultaton

In-Person Meeting

Get contracted for short
or long-term consulting


Serve in an ongoing or long-term contract
consulting, advisory or executive
leadership role

Speaking Engagement

Participate as a speaker or or key influencer
during a seminar, conference, webinar,
workshop, corporate training, roundtable,
or retreat during at a seminar, conference,

our Process

Consulting engagements are at your discretion, on your schedule, and we ensure a seamless process by taking care of all the administrative and logistical work.



We contact you about an open client project that aligns with your background and expertise



We schedule a call with you to discuss the specific engagement and determine if it is a good fit 



You engage with our client during a mutually agreed upon time via phone, video, or in-person 



After completion of the engagement, you receive compensation for your time and services 

Partner With Us

As a Rise Up Expert, you will have the opportunity to connect with some of the world’s most dynamic leaders across the globe. You will be able to influence high-level decision-making and make a positive impact by sharing your knowledge, insights, and expertise.

You have the freedom and discretion to consult when you want and for as long as you want. You are not obligated to accept a project, and you will not be restricted from performing any other consulting work. 

Enjoy a truly rewarding and fulfilling experience while getting paid for your time and expertise.

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